Thursday 6 June 2024

Ascension Day in Sweden usually means a day off.. or two.


May 1st and a 4 day long holiday waiting.

It is always remarkable to come up in the mountains springtime. So quiet and peaceful but also some noice from all kind of birds coming.

"Here comes the sun"

About 25-30 reindeers visiting.

Me and Malte on our daily walk.

Unfortunateley my right calf has had a bit of trouble with muscle tear so I have decided not to run Stockholm Marathon 2024 as planned. It´s sad but as they say: "With age comes wisdom!".
However, my son did run for the 5th time, without "hare", and did very well in the heat (about 28-30°C).

I just spoken with my friend Edwin, the running-coach from Kenya, and he told med members from Elgon Running Club will compete in the Nairobi City Marathon on July 7th 2024.
Remember Rodgers? One of the very BEST blind runners in the world. You may please follow them at Nairobi City Marathon 2024.

I also will start writing my blog again but this time the focus is not all on me but at least as much on the runners from Elgon Running Club.

Well, as always friends. Take care, smile and dare to say Hello! :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

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