Thursday, 27 March 2014

90 days left to relay...

...and the past 1,5 months (since mid-January) has been a disaster in terms of my running. I've been sick in a great cold, light injured in my left foot etc, much work etc etc. Well, nothing to say about that. Not very big problems in a world like this. I'm still happy though :-)

Here a great day up in the mountains.
My son and I did som XC-skiing :-)
So nice :-)
My sons back! He's a good skier!
When taking a break.
Yes that's the Swedish Flag!
A happy me!

Katrien, a running friend, said she's been running here 1000 of times
and never seen the moose before. Well, this time they showed up!
3 calves, a cow and a bull moose :-)

This beauty got a kiss!

Well, as said before, I've been sick for about 4 weeks and not much running. Instead I did some alternative training. in terms of strength and mobility. I have this left foot that's not 100% right. Have to run less and take it a little easy. Sometimes it's not that bad not running for a while. I hope to be back soon though.

Last week I visited Winter Sports Centre at Mid Sweden University as a "customer" for the students studying to personal trainer. It really was hard but also very fun! All tests went very well and I'm satisfied with my values :-)

Lactate test... Hard maxtest on the treadmill.
Another maxtest. I'll never gonna be a bodybuilder ;-)
Elton and me running in tracks from snowmobiles.
Quite hard but very good exercise for my  ankles.
After the run with Elton I went for a longer and harder run myself.
No, I'm not angry, just tired!
Well, I'm on again blogging :-) Feels nice! Take care out there and try to say Hello! and smile a little to people You meet. It's magic!

Oops, I forgot to mention that I go to the gym every Wednesday and Saturday for my running session

Easy, Light and Smooth my friends!

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