Saturday, 6 February 2016

I´ve been sick...

...for 2 weeks now. No, not only a little cold. I had a kidney stone in my left kidney. Not very nice I can tell. And that this was not enough, I got a blood infection that did so I had to stay 13 days in the hospital and then sick-leave for another 1,5 weeks at home.

No running for at least 2-3 more weeks. Well, thats life. Nothing else to do than rest :-)
From one of my first walks after coming home from the hospital.
So tired after the walk with Elton but I could walk though!
Elton was so cute!
Almost he understood I´ve been sick.
He was waiting for me and did not tug at all.
No words!
Just so cool light and sky :-)
Well, there´s nothing I can do about it than rest. One positive thing, however, is my resting heart rate of 43 beats per minute. Not that bad for a 54 year old runner ;-)

Only a couple of hours with sun this time of the year.
I have been asked: "Why do you run when you're injured?".
A very well-founded question! If you have an injury of any kind, running or not running-related, you can usually do other things. Cycling, strength mm.

A smile in the forrest!
No, no birds was home ;-)
And if I run, I do it with the motto #ELS (Easy, Light and Smooth). I keep constantly in pain threshold. Also, I use an ointment based Aloe Vera which increases blood circulation. But course, the best thing is to rest!

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