Sunday, 27 October 2013

241 days left...

... and two weeks ago I was sick. I did 37 miles and felt a little tired. Guess it's about my sickness. Well, I only have a little cold now so I'll take it easy for a while.

I did run Tuesday to Friday and only felt a little pain in one of my Gluteus Maximus. It happens sometimes and probably it depends on a pinched nerve... Had it before so I'm not worried about it. Normally it goes away in a couple of days. It's just hard to run downhill but up is ok. With sauna (heat), stretching and a great Aloe Vera cream Aloe Vera which increases blood circulation.

Yesterday I was out running with a friend, a great marathoner, and we did about 14,8 miles with a great hill at the end where I got a little tired. Not so much in my legs but more in my lungs because of the little cold I think. Well, that was yesterday. It's in the past now and nothing I can do anything about :-)

Me on a run up in the mountains this summer.
Ingrid, my oldest daughter took the pict.
 Sometimes I remember those fabulous days when running in the mountains. It's sunny, warm and just adorable. Think it's almost the closest to nirvana, heaven or what ever... The feeling's just great!

You can drink almost all water you're passing by.
I just check for water that's pouring...
 Now and then I meet a funny and nice guy while out running. He always come forward to me and want to say hello. Well, he doesn't smile but surely he think like: Crazy man, what are you running for? He's cute and I call him Ferdinand.
Ferdinand the cutie!
I'm on quite well with my running again and I feel great about it. I'm a happy man that can use both my legs to run with...

Never forget to say Hello! and give that little Smile to the ones you met out there :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth friends!

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