Thursday, 13 November 2014

"Running away"..

.. is a great song by Bob Marley ( Yes, I do like listen to music while running. Well, sometimes I like to run in silence to. Especially when I'm up in the mountains.
A place that is close to my heart.
Are in Jamtland, Sweden :-)
 Have a little cold right now but it is ok to run. Hold down the heart rate as much as I can so it feels ok. But remember that if you have a fever and/or sore throat so do not run!
Elton and me on a run.
As I said in other posts, I will run a 48h race in the fall of 2015. It is with mixed emotions I crave.
A pretty big reason that I want to run this race is that it was on this particular path, when I was eight years old, started my career.
I obviously can not stop running but somehow it feels like a circle closes.
My very good friend, Patrik Norberg, will run for 24 hours
and then try to help me on my 48h run.
Going to be so fun!
Ok, friends! Never, I say never stop say Hello! and smile to the one You meet when out there.

Easy, Light and Smooth!

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