Wednesday, 9 August 2017

What happened between January 30 and April 24 2017.

Well, I will show this period in pictures. Next time in text and I will try to update as often as I can.

I will write about my rehab of my body and training for my 100+ miler next summer.

As usual it´s not a competition because I only/always run for FUN and in a Easy, Light and Smooth way called ELS.

Ok, let´s go and it´s nice to be back!

Always smile, say Hello! to strangers and check around all the corners!

Easy, Light and Smooth.
Those shoes I got from my kids when having my 50th birthday.
Will never throw them away!

Dumbbell instead, or after, running

A cool sign saying - Welcome!

A very old barn...

One of many runnings with refugees.
We, meet, we have fun, we run and just feel good!

An old barn on the way..

A great friend and I on a run :-)

After run!


Seen from my run. Probably a carrion...
Yes, there are bears around here.
No, we didn´t wait to see... ;-)

Kastalen (castella=defence tower) from 1172

A nice picture with my iPhone thru a telescope.
No there was no "man in the moon" but perhaps cheese...

LI have been taken my 2nd grade at the fraternity JG and, yes, I wear a tuxedo :-)

My dog Elton checking the defense tower called Kastalen from 1172.

The moose is hard on the trees in winter

At the hospital, and had just awakened after surgery. Rosehip soup and crackers were really good!
Just a day after my surgery I hit my toe into a chair.
But I still can do my weight training

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