Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Almost 2 years...

...with kidney problems. Or yes, the kidneys have not been wrong, but a small and sharp stone made a hole in the ureter leading to a severe blood poisoning.
The stent (tube) from my kidney...
I stayed in the hospital for 13 days and because of the morphine I was constantly high. Blood and kidney tests were taken every six hours.
Yes, the situation was quite critical and I had not until just over a year after understood how bad it was. The physics team expressed it as being my physique that made sure I'm still living. I actually cried when they said it...

From one of my runnings when looking around a corner :-)
When I got home (February 2016) from the hospital, after two weeks, I walked slowly with Elton (now in the dogs heaven). I was so tired, no exhausted and had a pulse of 160 bpm...
Elton used to pull a little while but not this time. He walked slowly beside me and had a real eye on me. It was he who watched me now.

Well, I did have a mission though! Julia, my middle child, was about to run her very first marathon in the beginning of June. I had 4 month of exercise ahead of me. I started and did run the whole race with her. I was so happy and it did not feel that bad either.

After a year or so the urine began to turn red after 45-60 minutes of effort. It turned out that it was old coagulated blood that was calcifying. When the calcification broke, some blood from the kidney could come. Well, I feel much better now and it is going in the right direction I think.

From my lovely runs up in the mountains where the views are most spectacular :-)
Me and Malte.

Ok, that is all for now I think and I do wish You a GOOD 2018 with a LOT of smiles, Hello and peeks around all the corners.

Go Easy, Light and Smooth! "ELS

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