Sunday, 1 November 2015

One more week in my Paradise.

Hello friends!

Well I have not been able to run that much this week. I have been sick! Just a cold so it hasn't been that bad. There are people out there having much bigger problems I think.

I have been running during the week though. Really Easy, Light and Smooth! Well, I soon will be back on track :-)

Here I will give You some pictures from the week. Running with refugees and up in the mountains.

Some great quotes... :-)
One super-evening with refugee-friends!
Just before the funny relay with did together.
Me and a great friend!
Yes, it was dark and cold but a great human warmth!

Winter is on the way I guess.
I'm so privileged!
Me and my lovely dog, ELTON!
It's so beautiful up in the mountains.
Sun was shining, no wind and just... ADORABLE!
When are we going to take a break with those sandwiches?
Alright friends! Take as much care as you can. Smile to everyone and try a little hello to the one you meet out there.

Be the reason someone smile today!

Easy, Light and Smooth!
/Flexirun :-)

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