Sunday, 16 October 2016

A little coldness..

.. this going week but that will not stop me. Not after the experience I had the last 9 months! I run again even if it does not quite go as easy as it used to.
After travel to town for som shopping my wife took the car home and I ran.
So wonderful and it went so Easy, Light and Smooth #ELS
No words.. Just so beautiful!
 I have started to run fairly regularly now. More on weekends and sometimes double passes. Also, I do 5x25 push-ups, sit-ups and my back.

This is to get a better posture while running, and have the stamina to run a really long time without getting hurt in my back.

Slowly but surely I will increase the length of sessions and I run the hill once a week to train the heart and lungs a little more.
I do not care about how fast I run, but just how easy it is. I'm banging on a little longer each week and the aim is that it should go easy. Then, after some time, I can increase the speed, if I want.
Running again
I try to run where there are beautiful views so you can let your body work and brain get rest. I kind of fooling myself when having my runs. ;-)
Just beautiful!

I have no doubt about coming back to my usual runnings again! I have a goal of +100 miles again and I just know it will be done summer of 2017.

I don´t know exactly when but I know I will do it my way!

No money, no medal and no nothing!

Elton and me out for a walk in the fog one lunch this week.
The "light in the tunnel"? No, did not find no tunnel...
Perhaps the "road  to heaven" or maybe te "road of truth" :-)

A moose-scull! Almost look lik a crocodile ;-)
 Ok, as usual I´d like to tell You all to smile more and say Hello! to strangers You meet out there.
Take care and dare to LIVE!

Easy, Light and Smooth, #ELS

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