Wednesday, 10 July 2013

9 days left...

... and I have been "resting" for two days now so this evening I took Elton out for a short evening-run. It felt very good in my body and legs so the rest really was good I think. Dare to rest sometimes! On todays run I wore a so called buff. It was a bit windy so it felt nice I think. Well, this buff has a great text on...
This text sais it all... :-)
We met one runner and 4-5 bikers down at the trail. We said Hello and Smiled! :-)
Well, I still feel great and now, one day after the reconnaissance of The Run, I must say that was a good thing to do. Go thru the whole race and know about the roads and what I can expect etc. Kind of a mental thing!
I will probably not run to long (about 25-35 miles) runs when only 9 days left. Instead I will run a lot very regularly runs (6-20). Think that's better and also start to eat more starchy foods. Even more than I already do ;-)

Well, as mentioned, me and Elton met one runner and 4-5 bikers down the trail today. We all said Hello and Smiled to each other. Nice! :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

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