Monday, 27 May 2013

55, 54 and 53 days left...

... and I will write about three days and then I'm back in business. Soon it's summer-vacation here in Sweden (for teachers ;-)) which means a lot of running and perhaps a little blogging too, at least more regularly again.

55 days left:
Today it's time to meet my cousins that I haven't seen in 23 years! Well, we all live on different places and no one really took hold in it. But the two youngest, me and my cousin Ellinor, fixed with this tripp on a ferry to Åland (island between Sweden and Finland). It was very nice meeting my cousins and we will do it again!
The nice spa where we danced whole night :-)

After dance all night long... 4 am ;-)
54 days left:
Day after was a perfect day just to sit in a chair against the sun! So nice with summer again :-)

YES! Look what I found on upper deck! :-D
When coming home to Stockholm again me and my brother ran 4,68 miles and I felt nothing in my calf :-) So happy now. It's no problem to run again and I think I haven't lost so much.

53 days left:
Today me and Elton ran 5,48 miles in 56:28 min. #ELS all the way and it felt great so I'm looking forward to the run in Stockholm Marathon with my oldest daughter Ingrid. I think we're going to have a chip on one of our shoes so people can follow us on line at the webbsite. I have bib.number: 5381

Remember our goal is to reach the finish-line in a great #ELS way. Not to do a specific time!

Well, Elton and I met some people today and, as usual, we said Hello and Smiled. Yes they all did the same back to us! :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth! #ELS

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