Tuesday, 21 May 2013

59 days left...

... and today after work I worked in the garden (again). Well, it's only spring once a year ;-) Elton had his rest today so I ran myself instead. Did 3 miles in 48 min (!) and the first mile was in 33 min. Oh, didn't I say I met a friend and we did som chatting :-) Nice! A great Hello and some big smiles.
I did the 2 last miles in 8,25 and 8,24 pace so the power is there.

I really must say I'm so happy to be back running again. Love it so much and I also got so much new friends on Facebook, Twitter and... in real life too! Running really unite people I think and my talk about #ELS (Easy, Light and Smooth) seems to make them interested which is so fun :-)

Well. it's night here now and I must go to bed because soon it's time to get up again...

Once more: Don't forget to say Hello and Smile! Perhaps You make someones day out there :-)
Easy, Light and Smooth!

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