Sunday, 30 June 2013

19 days left...

... and today I was fixing with my new fence partly around the house and that really was good for my stiff muscles since yesterday. Work in the garden is a kind of active rest I'll say!

Well, after a day in the garden and a lovely dinner I went for a quite good run which is linked here. First 1-2 miles felt a little dicey but when warm it felt quite good. I ran just a little faster than #ELS-pace and at mile 4 I stopped to take a great pict over a nice view. It was a very nice weather and about 68F and sunny :-)
It was a very nice weather to run in today :-)
Here is after 4 miles running.
Same spot as above but to the left.
A part of the Big Lake that's going to be my friend for about 36 hours 19th July...
 I ran 7,47 miles in 1:04:33 h which is alright and a great pace for longer runs. Well, this week was pretty good in terms of miles; 60,02! It feels good and I've start to longing for the run. Crazy but the truth... :-)
Julia, my second daughter, at the little café bye the shore of The Great Lake.
A very nice place and quite cheap too ;-) 

Clock is 20:47 and still more than 3 hours left to sunset!
Well, the sun will rise again 03:00 and the day was 20:10 h long! :-)
Today I did only meet a couple of walkers when out running but we said Hello and Smiled a bit :-)

PS I will go upp to the mountains for 3 days tomorrow and therefore I have no Internet but will write a three-day story when coming home instead :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

20 days left...

... and todays two runs became just one. Instead I did run a morning-run for 23,52 miles in 4:02:10
Well, rather slow, some think, but that was the plan. Easy, Light and Smooth (#ELS)! The little thing today was instead I've got "Stiff Little Legs" (was thinking of the punk-group Stiff Little Fingers) Please, check them out here.
This is taken about 23:45 last night!
Not really the Midnightsun but very light though...

The weather before lunch was great! Not to cold and windy but sunny :-) I met some cyclists by the way and after about 12-13 km I also met a runner. We said hello and smiled to each other :-) I was running clockwise and he the other way.  I also passed by the spot where I will start The Run. Not really any feelings about it but I was thinking though...

When I've run half the way I stopped in the city and drank water and ate some flapjacks. Nice! When then start running home I met this other runner again! This time we said hello, smiled and laughed a bit! :-D

Well, on the way home I also got two calls on my iPhone I had to take, and therefore I had to walk a while. Over all the day of running was ok! Stiff, but ok!

A lot of cyclists and one runner was the meetings of today. Said Hello and Smiled to them and even a little laughter :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Friday, 28 June 2013

21 days left...

... and today I celebrate my 52nd birthday! I did that with retrieving timber to my new fence. Got hungry and bought a hamburger (!) and met som friends there :-) Then I went home and it was one and a half hour left to dinner so I changed to running. Well, I was just a little stiff in my legs after two days of speed-running so decided to run a great #ELS-run. I really have been longing for those runs again. They are so nice and comfortable. You may see a lot out there in the nature if you really look. Views, birds, deers, hedgehogs, humans to say Hello and Smile to. It's just great and you got some quality of life to...
Tomorrows run will be in the morning and in the noon. Not sure yet how far but... Well, we'll see!
This picture may mediate my feelings when running :-)

Well, THIS was the goal of todays run!
Love strawberries and cream :-)
Well, I did meet some people on the run today and we both said Hello and Smiled. Nice!

Easy, Light and Smooth... and not so fast anymore ;-)

Thursday, 27 June 2013

24-22 days left...

... and it really feels good both mentally and in my body now. I have been gone for 2 days to run this big relay called St.Olavsloppet between Östersund in Sweden and Trondheim. 330 km in 4 days.
All kind of runners are involved. Elite to kids and all are doing great! It's not only about running cause lot of things happens beside the race too and afterwards we eat, drink and play games, just chill and meet other teams to chat with. Great fun and I think that's what races like this are all about. Community!
24 days left:
No run today because I will do some extra discharge when run the next two coming days. First day I will run 7,21 miles but rather flat. Well, som hills but not like day two when I will run 5,16 miles and 2 of them hilly. Well, I haven't been doing almost any intervalls. 99% #ELS-running (Easy, Light and Smooth). We'll see how it will works tomorrow. Remember, I'm 52 years in 2 days ;-)
Hope for about 6:45-7:00 min/mile... :-)
Breakfast 6am... On the way!
The teams BIB-number.
23 days left:
Well, friends! It's time to go to town and be a part of the big relay St.Olavsloppet. Going to be so fun! The team consists of me and two other teachers from the school I work on and then pupils that was graduated a couple of weeks ago. Talk about a nice reunion they do together :-) Great youth!

Today I did my 7:21 miler and it went ok! So fun to run with a little speed again. I did it in 50:23h and felt rather ok. Went out the first 2 km under 6:24 min/mile! So I got just a little stiff in my legs but instead I felt, depending on no intervalls, that I didn't get that much oxygen my muscles needed. Well, I was satisfied with the run though and lot of people was cheering at me and som e wondered if it was to short... ;-)
One guy was running barefooted. 10K in about 42 min.
Great done Mr! :-)

Left: Changing runners! and to the right: a tired runner. Great done! :-)

The cheering was good and very inspiring!
Everyone did great! Doesn't matter how fast you might run!
24 days left:
When wake up this morning I felt absolutely great in my legs and perhaps I could do an even better run today. It was going to be a shorter run but much harder hills instead. Well, when started the first mile was in 6:03 min! Crazy but I didn't feel anything in my legs so I just kept running. After 2 miles there was another 2 miles up in the hills and I had to slow down about 30-40 sec/mile which was good cause  the last 2 miles was down-hill and I went about 15-20 sec faster again. I hit the finish-line in 35:30 min and was quite proud about that because I haven't been doing any so called quality-runs (intervalls/tempos). ELS-running seems to work alright for me!
The great 5-star hotel!
We were 18 people and one also can keep a fire in there. Cozy! :-)

For those two days I was talking some with friends and other runners about The Run and all said it was crazy but cool! Lot of Smiles and Hellos during those two days! :-) Running probably could save this world ;-)

Easy, Light and Smooth also gives Speed!

Monday, 24 June 2013

25 days left...

... and today I did a little faster run again. Normally I don't like to run fast but sometimes when I feel for it I might speed up a little. Mentally I think I can do about 40 min in a 10K race.

Wednesday and Thursday this week I will be part of a team in a nice relay between Sweden and Norway called St.Olavsloppet. It's a kind of family thing but also very good teams will show up at start-line 07:30 on Wednesday morning. Going to be so fun! All I know for now is I have an 11K section one day. The race is 333 km (about 207 miles) over four days. Once there was an individual class. A class where you ran the race all alone... Ok, now I start to think crazy things again ;-) Well, why not...

Map over St. Olavsloppet, the relay between Sweden-Norway.
Next year it goes from Norway to Sweden.
There are pretty nice views on the way...
Todays run was a nice run, although I partly had a little problem with a tendon in the front of the right foot. Well, nothing bad and I used som Aloe-Vera cream when coming home. In a couple of days it will be ok again. No problem to run at Wednesday and Thursday :-)

As said before, I don't have any high priority on speed when running. But today I increased the speed gradually and it felt ok. Yes, I was a bit tired but not in my legs though. Great was my thought about that because that means I've got endurance which is my priority number one! I did 7,12 miles in a average speed of 7:39 min/mi. Then remember I did the first three miles in 9:06, 8:06 and 8:11 before I really began to think of running a little faster. Then I did four miles in 7:06, 6:47, 7:12 and 7:07 and felt that I just could go on, and on, and on... :-) Probably rest tomorrow or perhaps just easy jogging to be fit for fight on Wednesday and Thursday. Will take some pics for you!

Today we had a great rainbow here :-)
Even a double one!
On todays run I did meet some refugees from a nearby camp. The all recognized me and we said Hello and Smiled to each other. Nice meeting! :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth friends!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

30-26 days left...

... and I have to write about four days at the same time depending on my journey up to our house in the mountains where Internet doesn't work at all which is both good and a little bad. Perhaps most good I think because I can run without thinking of the blog, Twitter or Facebook. Sometimes that's #ELS I can assure!
Well, here we go with the first of four days.
Swedish summer...

30 days left:
It's wednesday and the very last day at work before about 8 weeks summer vacation. Being a teacher is probably one of the most important and enjoyable job there is. Well, the vacation at summer and X-mas isn't bad either, and it's needed... :-)
Me and a colleague, John, finished work at 10 am so we went hom to me for a GREAT run, food and beer ;-) My friend is a very good XC-skier and runner. He just did about 35:30 min in a 10K race! Well, he's fast and we went out slow and just increased... Hard running but very fun though. After the run we ate, took some beer and just chilled in the sun... :-)
Thank's John, for waking the speed-nerv alive again!!

29 days left:
No run today! To much to fix and pack for the trip up to the mountains :-) Well, Elton broke a claw and had to go to a veterinarian for bandaging. Fourth time now and we are looking to amputate it away. It is the fifth clone that sits part way up the leg so he will not miss it!
Here's the little cottage in the mountains we celebrated the Swedish Midsummer.

Some nice views around the area...

28 days left:
Today it's Midsummer and there usually are great festivities in Sweden this very day. The longest day of the year! I did my run before the food... and beer ;-) It felt good so I did about 4,52 miles in about 44:26 min. Great views!
At the start you got a great view after just one mile
Upper left: "The Old Road", Upper right: "Nice run by the river Ljusnan

Another nice view by the river Ljusnan.
If you get thirsty on the run? Well, just stop and drink! :-)
27 days left:
Today it rained in the mountains. A lot! We already had fixed everything so we decided to go home earlier. When coming home the weather was much better so I did a evening-run. Very nice! Felt good so I decided to run a bit... I did 12,2 miles in 1:36:38 h. Well, not that fast but once again I'm not going for times just now. More endurance ;-) Felt quite good though and the evening was great!

26 days left:
Today I Today I took down part of the fence. It's about 40 years old and I must build a new one. Well, after that work I went for a run. I was just a little stiff in my legs but felt ok after a couple of miles. I decided to do at least 10 miles today. I ran 10,25 miles in 1:26:20h. Felt ok and did some nice hill-running at the end (from 4-8,5 miles!). See it on Endomondo here!

Elton with his "funnel" so he can't lick on his toe!

Well, I met som people out there who cheered at me and asked how my running was going! Thank's people! Yes, we said Hello and also Smiled to each other :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

31 days left...

... and I'm so tired! Well, nothing serious but just a minor infection. Instead of my usual run I cut the lawn instead.

Tomorrow I will be running an #ELS run (I hope) with a friend of mine. He is really a good runner and XC-skier. He offers himself and looks nothing like impossible and always smiling... Well, a good friend! After the run we will go out with our work to eat and perhaps take a beer... or two ;-)

Also longing a bit to Thursday when me, my wife and our dogs will go up to the mountains to celebrate Midsummer. A great feast! Course I will run with Elton to ;-)
This winter in 1,4F...
All I had in mind this winter was: The Run!
All that was driven me thru the winter...almost ;-)
Some weeks ago and 68F... Yes, the same lake  and only 31 days left now... 

Well, take care when out there runners! Always say Hello to the one you meet and give them a Smile...

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Monday, 17 June 2013

32 days left...

.... and only 32 (!) days left! Such a thrill! Have been having a little virus in my body for a couple of days. No problem to run but I can't run as fast as I want. It's a kind of feeling in my stomach that probably soon will disappear... I hope ;-)

Me some weeks ago when running near the village Åre.
Part of the training to Stockholm Marathon with one of my daughters.

Well, as said above, only about one month left now to The Run of my life and I feel quite nice. Going to be a great Fun-Run! There are still some logistics to think of and fix with. Both fun and boring at the same time. Mostly fun though!

Today my mental coach, Anders Stävhag came visiting me on his MC! Nice surprise and we had a great chat about my running, The Run, food and energizers etc. Well, Anders doesn't like running that much but today he indicated something about running a half marathon ;-) It starts with a thought I told him, smiling! Guess we will run a whole marathon once... ;-)

No running today but a lot of Hello and Smile anyway! :-)
Easy, Light and Smooth!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

33 days left...

... and today I did two runs. First run was with Elton up in the woods. It was 59F and a bit cloudy and a chance for rain. Well, no rain when running but it was a little wet and muddy though. But both me and Elton thought it was fun! Felt good but still something in my body... Virus or some kind of an infection perhaps. Don't worry! It's nothing bad I just feel a little less "power" when running. Soon alright again!
Elton and me on todays first run in the morning.
We are at an old quarry in which Elton sometimes take a swim :-)
Fascinating that about each yard is a million years...
It's an amazing nature up there in the woods. Lot of nice trails to follow for Elton and me. Elton likes this type of running more than the "boring" roads :-)

Second run for the day I did myself and I felt perhaps for a little faster run today. Well, I didn't have the right feeling in my body but guess it soon will come though. I ran 7,79 miles totally but I began my run after 2 miles warmup. But the 5th mile I ran in 6:49 min (!) which was ok. Yes, just ok because I didn't got that Easy, Light and Smooth feeling that I use to have when running. I had to struggle a lot to keep the running up... Well, the #ELS soon will appear again :-)
Part from my second run today.
In the end it started to rain but temperature was rather warm...

A beautiful and inspiring view on the run :-)

I did meet some people today that cheer me up with some Hello and Smile! Thank's friends!

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

35-34 days left...

... and I did run yesterday but not have the time to write on this blog. Sorry for that, but he/she who waits for something good never waits too long ;-)

The weather up here sometimes change a lot from sun to rain and storm. When you're up in the mountains, like last week, it can change in 10 minutes which means you have to check the signs of nature. Even more dangerous wintertime. But don't worry, I always choose Life!

35 days left...
So nice with summer! (Pict not from yesterday)
Yesterday me and Elton went for a run. Only 3,86 miles but better to run than not. Well, It felt quite alright and it was great with a beer in the sauna afterwards ;-)
More and more I'm thinking of The Run but only in positive meanings. Going to be great and real fun!

36 days left...
Well, today me and my wife cleaned out the garage before lunch so my runnings I have to do in the afternoon. Normally I run in the morning, rest a couple of hours and the run again in the afternoon or evening. First run I did with Elton up in the woods. A very nice place to run in. Trails and dirt roads on every other. :-) We, did 5,73 miles in 56:19 min and felt ok. Elton has to pee, drink water and so on... Well, who have a time to fetch? Not me! :-)

When coming home with Elton I ate a Flapjack and drank about 500 ml water just to go out for my second run. I was running a bit faster this time and choose a trail that begins with a great hill. Nice. Felt a little stiff in my legs but absolutely ok though! Remember I'm not after any fast runs or low times... yet ;-)
I was doing about 8:18, 7:22, 15:26 (7:00) and last 0,8 mile in 6:11 min/mile. 15:26min/mi ?!? What! Well, I meet my boss so I have to stop chatting for about 8 min... ;-) Ha, ha! It was just alright friends. Think you all know I'm an #ELS-runner... :-)
On one of my runs in the mountains.
Soon it's time for a real run... :-)
Today I met some nice people out there and they all said Hello and Smiled back to me and Elton!

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

36 days...

...and this morning I ran 4,85 miles (43:21 min). Well, I did a run quite early this morning because I start work a little later than usual. Sometimes it's nice running in the morning when all are asleep. Only me and the birds seemed to be awake :-) Felt a little heavy in my body but ok in my legs! Well, after the warmup it felt just ok!
From my run this morning 06:30
People sometimes ask me how I can run in the morning. Do I eat breakfast after or before running, what do you eat etc. Well, I normally eat oat-meal or yoghurt and dark bread. Perhaps some juice too. When running I eat about half of breakfast before and the other half afterwards. If not to stuffed I have no problem to run with food in my stomach which is good for longer runs.

Yesterday I and a friend agreed to run an evening round. Nice! Means I will write about one more run this day ;-) Well, there has been grey sky all day and now it's raining but it doesn't matter that much because one get wet anyway. If it's not sweat it's water... or both! If you want to be dry! Don't run? :-D
Well, we ran 5,75 miles in #ELS-mode in 1:00:11 h.

Very nice run and we didn't meet anyone to say Hello and Smile to but one person in a car :-) Well, me and my friend smiled a lot in the rain though!

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

37 days left...

... and today it was rather hot and sunny here! After a great dinner I took Elton for a run. Well, I was a little stuffed but it was ok. Didn't run that fast or that long but the run was nice :-)
Not every day up here in north is sunny and warm so it's best to take care of the days when they appear.
Tomorrow I will do a morning-run after breakfast and afte the "dog-walk" before work. Then I will do a run with a neighbor after dinner. Really fun when people ask for hints about their running and even more fun when they want to follow me on a run :-)

A beautiful day for a run :-)
Tomorrow is the last day for the pupils at school and that means I can focus the last 36 days totally on my family (important) and my running. A great increase will be done from tomorrow... Going to be so fun!

Today Elton and I met some people out there and, yes, we did say Hello and Smiled as usual!

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

38 days left...

... and  I realize it's just about a month and a week left now to The Run. Well, I'm not terrified about it but a little tense maybe :-) Well, I think it will be a bit nervous in the body. Guess that's why I'm running at all! It gives me kind of kicks. This past year, my running has reached a higher level, or dimension, one can say. I get inspiration from people around the world at the same time it seems that I also inspires others. It can't be better than that! Thank You all!

Me and Ingrid while running Stockholm Marathon 2013.

Well, no running today. Instead I watched soccer. Sweden vs Faroe Islands (2-0). Zlatan did both goals and Sweden was a bit closer to WC :-D

Today I walked with Adam and Elton and met some people asking me if I can walk! We laughed and said Hello and Smiled.

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Monday, 10 June 2013

39 days left...

... and this evening me and Elton was out running 4,65 miles in about 44 minutes. I felt very good in my legs and did run a little faster sometimes. No problem to increase speed without getting tired :-)

Some people might think that I'm not running very far when running. Well, I have been injured in four weeks and I have also been feeling a little heavy in my body depending on a "flu light" I think. But I have been running quite a lot of runs but not more than about 12-13 miles. When feeling absolutely alright again I will run longer again. You don't worry about that... ;-)

Only 39 days left now and The Run is quite close. Soon going to have a meeting with my mental coach Anders Stävhag about how The Run will be implemented. Step by step. When to drink (every 20 min), when to eat, check out the schedule etc. Doesn't sound that fun but indeed necessary!

Part of the lake, The Big Lake... Soon I come!
Today Elton and I met a couple of riders today and one who walked. We said Hello and Smiled as usual. They recognized us and asked how it was going with The Run. "Ok!" I said :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

40 days left...

...and I slept lika log today. Have had four days of from work and was thinking of a little longer runs. Ok, I went up to the mountains to run and I've been running about 40 miles this week so that has to be ok then. I feel good and I'm not thinking so much of The Run really. I more want to start the run I think.

The running up in the mountains are so nice! Perhaps me and my wife will go there next weekend too :-) Then I will try to run a new trail up there... Exciting! If I go there I certainly will take some nice pics for you all.

Today I was running with elton up in the woods here and at the end we ran by the lake I will run around. Best to get used to the lake and become good friends with her ;-)
Well, the run was hard until I get warm and then I felt much better. Feels good to know I've been running about 708 miles since I started the cause to run around the lake here...

Today Elton and I ran ahead an old pilgrims path!
Well, we met a man on a bike to who we said Hello and Smiled to. Back the bike he drag 2 (!) carts with kids in. Cool! :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

Saturday, 8 June 2013

42-41 days left...

... and yesterday I was going up in the mountains to run again. Nice! Normally I follow the road half way up and then I go XC the rest. Well, there are some tracks but not much. It's very fun to go XC because it's a change from the road-running which is good for motivation but also for the muscles in your ankles and feet. So go out there and try some XC! :-)

42 days left...
Well, my first run this day was a 6,64 miles in the morning. Normally I don't do intervals but I felt happy with my running so... why not! I was a little heavy in my body, depending on a small cold I think. When a little cold or not feeling 100% alright it's better not to get to high pulse. If also got a sore throat don't run at all!
The exercise was good and a great start of the day I think. Then I did some packing for my little trip up in the mountains again. Me, my wife and our two dogs, Adam and Elton.

Ok, the second run this day was I kind of hill- and XC-run. I normally follow the road up to where the XC-trail begins. About 1-1.5 mile... Yes, it hurts... a lot! But one feel very nice afterwards I'll say.

Half way up on the "Stairway to Heaven" with Elton.
It's about 2 km  (1,5 mi) up to the XC-trail... Yes it hurts a little ;-)
Almost there! But I feel quite alright though, and Elton as well!
Ok, Elton, after the 1,5 mile warm-up up the hill it's time to go running :-)
Oh, God! Your crazy man! Elton seems to think...
Well, I can neither confirm or deny it ;-)
The way down for Elton and me.
Nice view and som bad weather coming in. Better to hurry up!
When we came down to the house it started to rain quite a lot so we where lucky I must say. It took about 10 min to run down the same road it took 38 min to run up for :-)
These runs up in the mountains i good for both body and soul so I call them - Soul-Runs

41 days left...
Did a #ELS-run with Elton today. Was a little worn after 2 runnings yesterday... Well, I'm thinking of a little longer run tomorrow. A really easy, light and smooth one :-) Going to be good!

One of the views when walking the dogs this morning.
A nice view of a waterfall or a rapid perhaps.

Well, meet a few people to say Hello and Smile to on the run!

Easy, Light and Smooth!