Sunday, 13 January 2013

186 days left...

... and I'm still not well from the cold but soon I will run again. As I've said before it's extremely important not to start run to early when having an infection. Well, it could feel a little frustrating but wait and the coming runs will be even more nice.

It even was hard just to go out with my dogs. Amazing that so small viruses can hit so hard! They say you can't hav same cold twice and THAT must be the positive part. The not so positive is there is about 30 000 different kind of viruses out there... :-)

When sick I did not write so much but read some Tweets and it's wonderful to see how every singel one out there are fight on with there runnings. Some people a lot of miles and some a little less. Still you all inspire me to fight and I will com back on the roads. Thank you all!

The 140 mile run 18-20th July :-)

When it's hard to smile, try harder!

Easy, Light and Smooth!

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