Tuesday, 8 January 2013

191 days left...

Today I had a little cold and coughed a bit. Well, as you all understand I didn't run. Instead me and the dogs went out for a walk and then we shoveled snow that came this night. About three inches I guess. As I said before it's nothing to worry about. A little rest is just good for you. It's when running the body breaks down and it's when you rest the body is building it self up again.

Should have been talking to my mental coach a couple of days a go but had to postpone it. Well, it was not a problem. We talk later on! Nice to have someone to talk to and brainstorm with.

Take it easy out on the roads when running and keep on smiling!

Me on one of my runs by the lakeside.
Part of the lake I'm going to run around. Now with ice on it...

Easy, Light & Smooth!


  1. The recovery period is vital as an integral part of the training as you point out....hope the cold clears quickly though..


  2. Thank You so much! Well, it will take about a week or so and then I guess I'm on track again :-)
