Monday, 4 March 2013

137 days left..

... and I did about 3 miles with my dogs. Have been resting for 3 days because of my mothers visit this week and todays birthday party of my wife :-). Yes, I ate a lot of cake and a glass of wine too. Tomorrow I will go by car to Uppsala (305 mi) with one of my daughters and my son. Perhaps I should run from Uppsala and home just because of all cake ;-) It's going to be a long days trip down south, sleep one night and then go all the way back home again. Well, have to drive careful! It's snowy and a little slippery :-(

Going for a run tomorrow morning with Elton I think. Not long but perhaps 3-4 miles. Better run little than nothing! And if you think it's bad not running for some days. Don't worry about it! If I'm not running for 2-5 days the body just recover so it will be quite easy to run when start again.
It came more snow (about 4-5") so instead of "plank-a-day" I "shoveled-an-hour" :-D

Long day with running and car driving tomorrow so... Guess I'll say Good Night from Sweden folks!

If you are going through hell, keep going! /Sir Winston Churchill

Today I said hello and smiled to a lady who patted a little on Elton. She smiled back :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

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