Thursday, 7 February 2013

162 days left...

... and the temperature has been decreasing all day. This morning it was 14°F and now, this evening, it's -4°F. Well, it has been a good day at work and the weather has been just fine with a lot of sun. A friend of mine helped me fixing my XC-ski equipment. Skiing is not like running, when you don't even need shoes to run. Skis must be fixed with so you can ski in different types of snow and temperature. Even the humidity matters.

Well, depending on the low temperature and the little late time I decided not to run today. I run regularly so I'm not worried pass a day or two depending on weather, family etc. Guess I'm an emotional runner in that way.

My friend fixing with my skis. Take some time but it's wort it!

Probably it will be a little warmer at Saturday. Perhaps only 1,4°F which means I can run anyway. My ambition is to run around 5 hours... Well, exciting! Really hope for a nice weather at Saturday!

Hope you all did say hello and smiled to someone today!

Easy, Light & Smooth!

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