Friday, 1 February 2013

168 days left...

... to The Run. Well, a little stiff in my legs but I'm feeling great! Training goes as planned, even if I got  a cold for 11 days. A lot of training also means a lot of resting so I think the 11 days of cold doesn't mean that much anyway. Don't forget when resting the body is preparing for next hard training. The body learns from your exercises and prepare for the next. Resting really is training to and a very important though.

Todays training with Elton was 9,24 miles and the goal was about 10 miles so I'll say we fixed that. I'm not running so fast, people say who know I can run much faster. Why? Well, running 140 miles in a row means I can't run to fast. I must spare a lot of energy so I can reach the finish line after about 36 hours. Another thing where I live, you can't run so fast in all that snow we got here! I really wait for the spring to come so I can run much easier, lighter and smoother than I can do now. I also look forward to my "relax-runnings" I always do after my training. See, I do about 3 miles barefoot after the runs in my minimalist shoes. That's a nice feeling and good massage and a kind of yoga for my feet :-)

Well, there will be another run tomorrow but I think Elton is allright now and I probably have to run on my own.

Today I met an old lady with a dog and I said: -Hello! She smiled to me and said Elton was a nice dog and the she asked if I was "the runner with the dog". I told her I was and she said: How cool! The lady really did inspire me a lot :-)

One of the shoes I will use when running The Run. Very light and smooth!

When the trail and running is hard. Seize the moments when you met someone you can say: Hello! How are You? to. Then just run and smile!


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