Thursday, 13 December 2012

216 days left...

Helo runners out there! Normally I go up with my dogs 06:00 and it's DARK. I work whole day when it's LIGHT. I go home to my family after work and it's DARK again. Am I displeased? No! Where I live in Sweden wintertime we have quite short daylight and quite long time of darkness. A good thing in this part of earth is that it is opposite summertime. Then the sun stay up almost 20 hours which is nice.

Today it really was a nice day out there. Yes, cold but beautiful! Took a nice picture at lunchtime.

The street just outside my work. -4F...

It was almost -5F when I ran today. Elton stayed at home by the fire. Lucky him! Well, it felt ok so ran 5,7 miles and didn't freeze at all :-) Tomorrow I will have After Work with some friends but Saturday and Sunday it won't be so cold anymore which means I probably will run a little longer those days. Guess I will reach my 33 miles/week.

Today we celebrate the Sancta Lucia here in Sweden. Very nice with music, songs and some lights.
I took the picture below without a flash because I didn't want to disturb the choir...

Celebrating Sancta Lucia

Remember! Always smile when running...

Light, Easy and Smooth!

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