Tuesday, 11 December 2012

218 days left...

Today it was -11,4F so I decided not to run. It doesn't matter so much because I've been running 9 weeks in a row between 31-35 miles now so m body perhaps don't feel bad about some rest I guess. Well, it seems to be much warmer this weekend which mean I can run saturday and sunday a little longer instead. Rest now and run longer for two days instead!

When things happens you can't  rule over then just relax and take it easy. Let the inspiration come over you and you'll see you gonna run much easier, lighter and smoother when start running again. Nice feeling that!
-11,4F outside! Nice and cozy by the fire...

Well, instead of running I did some spinning on my bike inside instead. Quite fun... :-)

Soon it's Christmas holiday and if you're a teacher it means free from work. I can run instead and take it a little easy. No time to fit, no plans to do etc. Well, I got The Run to plan of course :-)
I still feel good and inspired about my adventure. Think I'm going to print out a map on the run around the  lake so you might see what I'm supposed to do. At spring I also can take some pics around the lake and you can see what views I'm going to have.

One view on The Run. Going to run both on this and the other side.

Oh, how I want to run in my Nike FreeRun 3.0 again...

Always smile!

Light, Easy and Smooth!

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