Friday, 26 April 2013

85 days left...

... depending on a little change in schedule after my mental meeting with coach Anders Stävhag. We decided my run just have one goal.

To be at the finish line between 14:30-15:00 Saturday 20th July!
Means I must start at Friday 19th...

That's why I must  do some changing in my plannings. Well, that's called The Process and it's just positive. Changing the time forward means I feel great and believe in myself a lot!

Well, todays run I did with Elton late this evening and after about 1 mile I felt a little stich in my right calf. Yes, it was a muscle strain! I walked a bit and started to jog very slowly and when reaching the 2nd mile I didn't feel any pain no more :-) Jogged home and all together we ran 5 miles and reached home just before dark. Thank's for the run Elton! Good boy!

We, met som runners and we said Hello and Smiled to each other! Don't forget... :-)

I 'm really longing for summer now...

Easy, Light and Smooth!

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