Monday, 1 April 2013

109 days left...

... and first run with Elton was a bit strange. When start the run it felt alright but after a mile I felt pain in the hamstring down the calf. Felt this before and I know it's about a nerv or something that's trapped in a mysterious way. Normally it will get better while running and getting warm. I also use a cream called Hot and Cold (Swedish site) which is a liniment type of cream. Really good for infections like tendinitis. Well, it only get more worse as I run?! Didn't get so worried but more annoyed about it. Had to walk with Elton last half mile... We moved 6,4 miles though.

Home for lunch, sitting in the sun with family and drinking coffee. Just take it easy. Still a bit annoyed over the strain-type-of-thing in the muscle (hamstring). I smeared and massaged with the Hot and Cold cream and did some nice stretching (very slow and gentle). Believe it or not! It felt much better :-)

5:00 PM me and my daughter Ingrid went for a run, my second, and I was quite nervous about that pain in my hamstring on my first run. We ran 4,67 miles in 45:32 min and there is one great hill to climb up for :-) The absolutely greatest with the run was the Ingrid ran all the way without any stop! Great Ingrid! Second best was I hardly felt nothing in my hamstring :-D Back in business again!

Ingrid on here way up for the hill +285 feet in 1.27 mile :-)
Rather steep last 0,3 mile.
The weather was great and about 32-34F. We meet som people we said hello to and smiled :-)

Easy, Light and Smooth!

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