Saturday, 13 April 2013

97 days left...

... and the whole week has been down low with running! Well, up to todays run I've just done two runs. 3 miles on Wednesday and 3 miles on Friday. Both times with Elton :-) I have felt a little dizzy in my body, and head, this week  and was a little uncertain about my shape.

I changed for running and started my run with a mile, just warming up, (Endomondo was a bit crazy first mile) and it felt really good and I choose to just let the power go down to my legs and let them run free! I ran 5,10 miles in 36:29 min and felt... nothing! I felt very happy knowing there was a lot of power in me. Much more than I thought.

For me todays run was a kind of Proof-Run wich, I now think, ended up in a positive way! I have almost not done any fast quality runs for 9 months and I can do faster runnings anyway!? Crazy but nice to see that my #ELS-thinking (which is not really something new) works though!

Well, I think I wrote sometime this autumn I'm going to run a 10k just to see which time I can perform. I'm not that focused on times, and perhaps I feel a little disturbed about it, cause I like to spread a philosophy about my running that follows just three (four) words: Easy, Light, Smooth (and Fast). Time isn't one of the words but after a while, when Fast, comes to the running like a spin-of thing, then time will be a part of it. If you for an example run a race. Even if it's just to meet other runners and feel the atmosphere it's nice to do a good and fast run. You feel great and, yes the time also will be good...

I met som people today and, even if I my speed was a bit higher than usual, I said Hello and Smiled as usual. Today I also met some signs of spring! The cyclist has taking over the roads. Well, we smiled and said hello to each other though! :-)

Springs first flowers! In swedish they're called "Tussilago" :-)

Well friends, have a nice weekend all!

Easy, Light and Smooth!

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